WACO, Texas — The patent-pending Direct Embed Pole Stabilization (DEPS) system from LineWise™ is a new bracing system for holding concrete or steel poles in place while pouring concrete or FlowFill™. This cost-effective solution offers a quick and easy setup that significantly reduces equipment and labor costs, in addition to other benefits, during the installation of direct embed poles.
The DEPS system consists of a minimum of 2 and up to a maximum of 4 braces depending on the weight for each pole that is being stabilized. The pole braces are first chained or strapped to the base section of a pole. Then, the anchor plates are staked into the ground, and the pole is then plumbed by simply extending or retracting the braces. The entire process can be completed in several minutes.
Compared to the traditional alternatives of using forklifts, telehandlers or deadman concrete anchors to support poles during construction, the DEPS system eliminates the cost of equipment rentals, machine maintenance, fuel and other various tools. The DEPS system offers a lower environmental footprint as well, as it helps cut jobsite emissions and results in fewer ruts created on right-of-ways due to less vehicle and equipment traffic.
Fully contracted, the DEPS system is 7.5 feet in length, allowing it to be transported in a pickup bed or on a gooseneck trailer. It requires no routine maintenance, provides a long service life and is made of 100-percent recyclable material.
LineWise is a division of Diversified Products. The company designs, engineers and manufactures a full line of utility products, including line lifters, insulated work platforms, phase lifters, transmission temporary conductor supports and the Buddy Bushing cross arm reinforcement system. For more information, contact LineWise, 1001 Webster Avenue, Waco, Texas 76706, phone 254-757-1177 or visit the website at line-wise.com.
*All trademarks referred to in this press release are the property of Diversified Products, with the exception of FlowFill.
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