WACO, Texas — Diversified Product Development, marketer of the LineWise®, LiftWise®, RailWise® and DesignWise® brands, hosted a grand opening ceremony on June 22, 2021, at its new manufacturing facility in Waco, Texas. Approximately 100 people attended the event marking the company’s strategic move, which will help Diversified grow and better serve its customers.
The new facility is 60,000 square feet, which is more than 10 percent larger than the company’s previous building. Diversified also invested in multiple equipment upgrades to increase its capabilities, such as doubling its jib crane capacity and adding a 10-ton bridge crane.
Diversified currently employs 52 people, including engineers, designers, sales and support staff. “Everyone is excited about our new state-of-the-art facility,” said Ray Fritel, president of Diversified. “Our company has grown steadily over the years, with plans to grow even more, and the new headquarters will help us better achieve our goals.”
Diversified’s LineWise division designs, engineers and manufactures a full line of utility products, including line lifters, insulated work platforms, phase lifters, transmission temporary conductor supports and more. LiftWise is the material handling division, offering a wide range of products for material handling in assembly, welding and equipment servicing, as well as other various lifting solutions. DesignWise is a division of Diversified that offers a breadth of services to clients including exploring new markets and products; redesigning or modernizing existing products; improving ergonomics; increasing maintenance efficiency; and making products faster and more profitable. Finally, RailWise is the company’s newest brand, which encompasses a growing line of products for the hirail market.
For more information, contact Diversified Product Development, 700 Research Avenue, Waco, Texas 76705, phone 254-757-1177, or visit the website at www.diversifiedproduct.com.
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